Thursday, October 31, 2019

Political Climate in 1980s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Climate in 1980s - Essay Example Liberals were subsequently wont to pronounce, to be sure, that conservatives were giving plain answers to difficult dilemmas. But the predicaments were multifaceted for the liberals only because they persisted on misinterpreting them at a very plain level. The depression time was intensified as conservatives were triumphed two times in the 1980s -- the corollaries of which prolong to reverberate - the first was the victory of the West in the Cold War; the second the intellectual victory of free-market economics over economic planning. Altogether, these have united to generate a noticeable move to the Right in the political world - as similar to the world's move toward liberalism after the crush of the Axis powers and the dishonoring of any kind of right-wing tyranny in 1945 (Ehrman, John., 2005). The political game continues for an indefinite period - but it goes on with a dissimilar ground and under shifting regulations. And though the Left have to be more baffled than the Right by the philosophical instability of the post-Cold War world, it is actually moving more rapidly to define again the rudiments and basics of the climate of political regime. With Reagan's assurance to reinstate the country's military force, the 1980s observed considerable spending on military, amounting to approximately $1.6 trillion in just five years. The administration then favored a lofty approach to the Cold War era, particularly in the Third World superpowers competition. Following the Vietnam fiasco, though, Americans were more disbelieving of swallowing the financial loss of troop promises. The government then sought to trounce this by supporting the fairly cheap policy of specially-trained counterinsurgencies in place of huge wars like Vietnam and Korea (Ehrman, John., 2005). The US administration then adopted a hard-hitting standpoint for USSR. Early in Reagan's first appearance, he assailed the competitor as the "wicked realm." When Jimmy Carter had justifiably ruined the plan of dtente following Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, the worries in East and West touched the levels that haven't seen since the crisis of Cuban Missile. And by the late 1980s, it turned out to be obvious that the Soviet Union would no longer make use of its forces to maintain the Eastern-European communists in control (Busch, Andrew E, 1997). Peoples have had lost their trusts that the communist system could bring a healthier lifestyle to them. In 1989, people came out in the streets and upturned the communist hold consecutively. After few months, the system inflicted on nations of Eastern Europe by Stalin for forty years vanished as if it were a bad delusion. Two years afterward, the European communist system is collapsed. Timeline for the 1980s January 5, 1980: Margaret Thatcher performed a Cabinet reorganize, firing Norman St. John-Stevas. January 20, 1980: Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter, becoming the 40th head of the US. March 30, 1980: U.S. President Ronald Reagan is gunshot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C. hotel. November, 1980: Republican Party's Ronald Reagan became president. Reagan goes on to take on a hard-hitting anti-communist foreign strategy and tax-cutting strategies. 1985 - Chernenko passed away and Mikhail Gorbachev joined the office as general secretary of the Communist Party;

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Learn to think critically Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Learn to think critically - Essay Example How do you do that without carrying out this problem-options process again and again I would like to suggest a way to stop this regress by turning an option into a step towards a goal or objective that needs to come about because of my action. What am I trying to accomplish by doing this versus that Once I have that, all the rest falls into place. For example, in this exercise, how can I answer the question of which critical thinking skill can I or should I develop more I can say one option for this problem is to stay up all night to get this paper turned in on time. Another answer is a goal, a condition or state of what it would be like that I want to have. That desired state might be something like this: I will always be prepared for the requirements of school. From this ideal, action steps (options) come, and may include for me to prioritize everyday challenges at school such that I can turn my work in on time and perhaps get better grades. The option of staying up all night for a one-page paper then is not optimal. It does not help me get to my goal or objective very well. Think of what it would mean for me. I have. Staying up late or working all night will deprive me of my beauty rest, another important goal of mine.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Types of Elections in Texas

Types of Elections in Texas Michael Dean Jalal Nejad, Ph.D. The election process is a staple of American politics, though on the national level it only applies to the Presidency and Congressional elections. In Texas though, citizen vote for all three branches of states government offices. There are three main types of elections in Texas, the primary election, general election, and special elections. The primary elections are held on the second Tuesday in March of even-numbered years (Champagne Harpham 135). They are the first step in the electoral cycle, the primaries are used to determine the political parties candidate for the general election. There are three other types of primaries which are the runoff, open, and closed. The runoff primary is when a no candidate wins by majority. When a runoff primary happens if a Democrat voted in the regular primary they cannot in the Republican runoff primary, if there is one. The same goes for Republicans trying to vote in a Democratic runoff. An open primary is where a registered voter can vote for either party, it doesnt matter their affiliation. However, they cannot vote in both primaries. The last type is a closed primary in which one must vote for their registered party. This works by having the voter declare their party before voting. Though voters need to declare their affiliations before voting, it does not bind them to voting f or that specific party in future elections. The next type of election is the general election. The general election is held the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November of even-number years (Champagne Harpham 136). During the general election the main candidate of both parties run against each other for certain offices. The major officials such as governor and attorney general are elected during years that the presidential election is not occurring. Though most of the time it is the main two parties, Republican and Democrat, sometimes third part or independent candidate run as well. Other elections for smaller offices such as school boards, city councils, and local positions are held usually in the beginning of November (Champagne Harpham 136). The last type of major election is special elections. Special elections are used to fill empty official positions, approval of borrowing large sums of money, and amending the Texas Constitution (Champagne Harpham 136). The specific dates for these elections are made by the legislature of Texas. An example of this would be if a Texas Congressman resigns or gets fired, the governor would have to call a special election to fill the void left by their resignation. Another example would be if the Texas legislature wanted to amend the Texas Constitution they would first have to propose the amendment, the voters would have a special election to actually ratify it into the Constitution. To summarize there are three main types of elections in Texas. There is the primary election where nominees of each party go against each other to see who will represent the party in the general election. The primary elections are held on the second Tuesday in March of even-numbered years. The next type of election would be the general election. In the general election the nominees of the Democratic and Republic parties face off to see who will gain the specific office they are going for. Though the general election focuses on the two main parties, there are usually third party or independent candidates running against them as well. The general elections for major offices are held the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November of even-number years, where the minor offices get elected earlier in November. The last type of election is the special election, these kinds of election take place when there is a vacancy in office, a large loan needs to be taken, or an amendment to the Texas Constitution is proposed. Work Cited Champagne, Anthony, and Edward J. Harpham. Governing Texas:. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2013. Print.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essays - A Clockwork Orange is Not Obscene -- Clockwork Orange E

A Clockwork Orange is Not Obscene Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange describes a horrific world in an apathetic society has allowed its youth to run wild. The novel describes the senseless violence perpetrated by teens, who rape women and terrorize the elderly. The second part of the novel describes how the protagonist, Alex, is "cured" by being drugged and then forced to watch movies of atrocities. The novel warns against both senseless violence and senseless goodness - of the danger of not being allowed to choose between good and evil. Though attacked as obscene in Orem, Utah in 1973, the book does not meet the legal definition of obscenity. While it contains possibly offensive language and violent imagery, these are not all that make up the novel. It is a powerful social commentary; a warning against growing lazy and desiring a quick fix to the problems of society. To be legally defined as obscene, a work must be completely lacking in redeeming social value. However, A Clockwork Orange has both social and literary value. It is a shocking warning of what t...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Interpersonal Communications Assignment

Assignment 1 Task 1: Developing ICT skills – Discussion forum post and evaluation I submitted the following two posts to the BESC1011 discussion forum for Activity 2: (N. B. I have edited the post for typographical errors). Post 1. Activity 2 finding ACAP's online resources Monday, 24 September 2012, 03:56 PM Well, I've just had a pleasant afternoon finding my way around the maze that's called Myacap. Wow. I've found I've ended up with a myriad of browser pages open, and got lost thinking I was finding things. I did find it, I'm sure I found it†¦Now where was it Anyway, I'll get there, I’m sure, and so will you. The Grail? Not yet, but I'm sure it's in there somewhere. Incidentally, folks, if you're having trouble finding the link to the Counselling and Therapy in Video resource, and you only get a 404 error, there's a broken link on the site. Your browser will be trying to point to  http://elibrary. acap. edu. au/http%3A%2F%2Fctiv. alexanderstreet. com and the l ink is broken. Instead, just try removing everything after edu. au -so you have  http://elibrary. acap. edu. u and you'll get to the elibrary homepage where the link to the videos works. Good Luck! Post 2. Activity 3. 4 Managing Stress Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 05:00 PM I've played sport in the past as a stress management tool – I was planning and then running a major community festival, and they were long days – it was a full-on, and if I wasn't working on it I was thinking about it. Baseball season started right in the middle of the planning and I nearly didn't play, but I did and found the focus on the game a real relief – Nothing else mattered for those three hours except me and the ball.My sleep patterns returned and though tired from the games, I was thoroughly relaxed. But I like this one. You may have heard of Gangnam style – dancing like you're riding a horse – well sort of†¦ It's come out of South Korea and it's big around the wo rld right now. Anyway here's a bunch of Uni students who set up a flashmob in between classes. I reckon it did their stress levels no end of good! http://www. youtube. com/watch? NR=1;v=OAXiUmh-KBg;feature=fvwp Hey Lynda, maybe we could do this for one of our video teletutorials!Task 2: Study plan covering three weeks including strategies The study guide for Activity Three of BESC1011 referred me to RMIT. (2007). Learning styles:  Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic Learning Preferences. Retrieved from https://www. dlsweb. rmit. edu. au/lsu/content/1_StudySkills/study_tuts/learning%20styles/vak. html I undertook the VAK test. The results showed I am a visual learner with a kinaesthetic inclination. This concurs with my own understanding of my learning style. I have developed a study plan incorporating this style, and provide a three week example below.Three of the learning strategies I have incorporated in this plan and my study efforts are:   †¢ to create a wall planner high lighting critical assignment dates and also non-academic activities that might either clash or be a much needed relief. †¢ to use mind maps. †¢ to take frequent breaks. I have found it necessary for me to tackle each session in bites. I have allocated specific time to open up the week’s session, do the reading, then at a later time go through the session material. In thinking or planning out, I just love Mind Maps – they categorise wonderfully. I can get heavily focussed, so taking breaks stops me working till I drop.The five stress management strategies I have determined to remember to practice are: †¢ to create a comfortable pattern of studying that fits into my life. †¢ to set a regular schedule for study. †¢ to break tasks apart so they don’t daunt by being ‘too big’. †¢ resolve to do it now, when now is now. To not procrastinate. †¢ to make sure I have down-time when other activities come before studying. If I can ‘regularise’ my study I think I will be better able to both keep up a consistent level of work, and also not allow it to overcome me. I think these strategies will do that for me. Study Timetable 15-21 Oct [pic] |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |Shopping | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch [pic] | | |1-2pm |BESC Reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | |Catchup | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | |7-8pm |BESC online activity |SOSC online activity |COUN online activity |[pic] |Prepare dinner |[pic] |COUN Reading | | |; Assignment |; Assignment |; Assignment | | | | | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |[pic] | | | | | | | |Shopping |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |[pic] | |1-2pm |BESC reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] | |[pic] | | | | | | |Catchup | | | | |7-8pm |BESC Assignment |SOSC Essay Assignment|COUN Assignment |Catch-up |Prepare dinner |[pic] |SOSC Reading | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |Shopping | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On s ite |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |[pic] | | |1-2pm |BESC reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |Catchup | | | | -8pm |COUN online activity ; Assignment |BESC online activity ; Assignment |SOSC Teletutorial |Relaxation time |Prepare dinner |[pic] |COUN Essay | |8-9pm | |BESC Chat | | | |[pic] | | | Task 3: Academic resources – Literature search and evaluation of quality I chose to attempt the task focussing on the question: The importance of academic referencing I undertook a brainstorming session with the following results: Academic referencing: †¢ Gives academic credibility of presented/published work. †¢ Is a key part of the overall process of building a knowledge base in the field of study. †¢ Better enables justification of assertions/ hypotheses. †¢ Is recognition of others work. †¢ Shows the way through the knowledge-base to others. †¢ Demon strates competence in the field of study. †¢ Engenders confidence in your work’s credibility Means one’s chain of reasoning to the resultant postulations are verifiable or challengeable. The three key words or phrases I selected to use to undertake literature search are: †¢ Verification (confirmation of theoretical base) †¢ Recognition (acknowledgement) †¢ Knowledge-building (evolution of theoretical thinking) Keyword search 1. For my first search I used ACAP’s e-journal search engine focussing on The Psychinfo database and after several unsatisfactory attempts, tried the Boolean phrase ‘( academic verification) AND referencing’. Results offered ten articles, one of particular but contrarian relevance. In the journal article, Westwood, T. 2005) writes: â€Å"I’ve not yet heard a real and convincing argument about why referencing is necessary; and it can’t be right that we do it like a reflex, a compulsion, Academic ’s dynamics 171 because we’ve had it drummed into us from way back when we were taught to march our way through essays and exams can it? Left, right, left, right, left, right left. . . † And, â€Å"References shouldn’t be used to justify a position we’re taking – in the sense of using them as a precedent (the characters can’t justify the author) – only to loosely accompany our position in that we (as authors) are leading the way and not hiding behind anything or anyone that we’ve written into our text. †Summary: Westwood appears to be quite a disestablishmentarian, which of itself provides a relevant perspective on the subject matter. However, because of the position the author takes and asserts by his actions – or inactions – the journal article is consciously not referenced. It would be useful to an essay on the topic in providing an academically valid and contrarian position, but most probably woul d not be regarded as fully reliable under close academic scrutiny. Reference: Westwood, T. (2005). Academics’ dynamics: re-writing referencing, Psychodynamic Practice 11(2), 165-176. Keyword search 2. I then utilised Google scholar for the key word, Recognition. I again used a Boolean phrase, ‘recognition AND (academic referencing)’.This search received over 40,000 possible webpage hits, but the first page of the search results provided a link to a peer reviewed article by Gray, Thompson, Clerehan and Sheard (2008), addressing the topic of referencing the internet for academic integrity. It proffers a contemporary analysis of the challenges surrounding formal academic referencing in regard to internet based information and opinion sources such as blogs, facebook , wikis and audio and video podcasting. Summary: I feel this webpage would be a highly useful and relevant reference source for an academic essay on the chosen topic. Reference: Gray, K. , Thompson, C. , Clerehan, R. , Sheard, J. (2008) Web 2. 0 authorship: Issues of referencing and citation for academic integrity. The Internet and Higher Education,11(2), 112-118. doi. org/10. 1016/j. iheduc. 2008. 03. 01 Keyword search 3. For the third key word search I used www. google. com. au with the search-phrase ‘(academic knowledge building) AND references’ This provided two potentially useful sites. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Knowledge_building Summary: This website site fulfilled good purpose in that it contained numerous references of relevant academic works on the topic. However, despite its authorship obviously being of academic origin, it was offered anonymously and without chronology. While the site could be referenced and the quotes used, the source is not transparent, making it dubious for direct academic purposes. And http://www. csu. edu. u/division/studserv/my-studies/learning/guides/referencing Again the material on this web page provided useful information and even a highly relevant and appropriately referenced quotation (see below), but its usefulness for the purposes of academic quotation was curtailed by its anonymity and absence of chronology. The author writes: â€Å"The academic world is all about knowledge building and the primary reason for citation, therefore, is that it encourages and supports the collective construction of academic knowledge (Walker ; Taylor, 2006, pp. 29-30). The paragraph continued, â€Å"Referencing also forms an essential part in avoiding any tendency towards plagiarism. While the quotation in this paragraph from Walker and Taylor (2006) is highly pertinent to the literature search, it itself would have to be searched to establish its credibility, and as the second sentence could not be attributed, it is therefore of limited use in an academic essay, however true. Summary: This webpage provided relevant information for further literature search but itself is not a useful referencing tool for academic purp oses as it is undated and anonymous, and perhaps without objectivity. Task 4: Referencing using the APA style Reference List Campbell, T. , Campbell, D. , (1997) Faculty/student mentor program: effects on academic performance and retention. Research in Higher Education 38(6), 727-742. Hounsell, D. , Entwistle, N. , (2005) Enhancing teaching-learning environments in undergraduate courses. Final report to the Economic and Social Research Council on TLRP Project LI39251009. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American literature Essay

Instructor Information Instructor: Mrs. Katy Kownacki Office: Online! Office Hours: immediately following class sessions. Office Telephone: (571)344-3234 E-mail: kkownacki@fcps. edu Course Description The eleventh-grade student will be able to make and analyze informative and persuasive oral presentations, with attention to the accuracy of evidence and the effectiveness of delivery. An examination of how media influences beliefs and behaviors will be introduced. The student will continue to develop and expand vocabulary. The study of both classic and contemporary American literature will enhance the student’s appreciation for literature. The student will be able to identify the prevalent themes and characterizations present in American literature, which are reflective of history and culture. Students will also use nonfiction texts to draw conclusions and make inferences citing textual support. The student will be able to write clear and accurate personal, professional, and informational correspondence and reports for research and other applications. Grammar development will continue through the application of rules for sentence formation, usage, spelling, and mechanics. The student will develop informative and persuasive writings by  locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and documenting information following ethical and legal guidelines. Students are required to take the English 11Standards of Learning End of Course Test. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: English 10 Textbook & Course Materials Required Texts †¢Elements of Literature, Fifth Course Enhanced  ©2007 (http://my. hrw. com) †¢Elements of Language, Fifth Course  ©2004 (http://my. hrw. com) †¢The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. http://ebooks. adelaide. edu. au/f/fitzgerald/f_scott/gatsby/ Other Readings oThe Crucible is found in the online textbook oOther readings will be made available in the FCPS Online Campus Learning  Modules. Page 1 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus Course Requirements †¢Computer with Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable) †¢Headphones and microphone †¢Word processing program (Microsoft Word recommended) †¢Account access to FCPS 24/7 Course Structure This course will be delivered entirely online through the FCPS 24/7 and Elluminate. You will use your student account to login to the course from FCPS 24/7 (http://fcps. blackboard. com). In your FCPS Online Campus course, you will access online lessons, course materials, and resources. At a designated time during the week, we will participate in a synchronous activity using our virtual classroom, Elluminate. In addition to traditional writing and vocabulary assignments, activities will consist of chats, blogs, discussion forums, emails, journaling, and wikis. FCPS Online Campus Access To access this course within FCPS 24/7, you will need access to the Internet and a supported Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox). To ensure that you are using a supported browser and have required plug-ins, you must finish the prerequisite technology mini-course before starting the online English 11 course. Refer to the FCPS Online Campus welcome letter for instructions. Technical Assistance If you need technical assistance at any time during the course, call Presidium 1-866-434-8880. Also email your instructor about the problem. You will need to find an alternate means to access the course (a friend’s computer, a parent’s computer, the library, etc). Important Note: This syllabus, along with course assignments and due dates, are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to check FCPS 24/7 for corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be clearly noted in course announcement or through instructor’s email. English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus PART 2: COURSE OBJECTIVES †¢COMMUNICATION: SPEAKING, LISTENING, MEDIA LITERACY oUse a variety of oral-communication skills and provide accurate evidence to give informative and persuasive oral presentations. oCritique and assess the effectiveness of persuasive presentations by others. oExamine how persuasive media messages influence audiences’ beliefs and behaviors. †¢READING oApply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts. oEnhance appreciation for literature by studying both classic and  contemporary American literature. oRead a variety of literary genres and informational texts to identify the prevalent themes in American literature that are reflective of American history and culture. oDevelop vocabulary and reading comprehension skills and apply those skills in other content areas, including history and social science, science, and mathematics. oIdentify the contributions of other cultures to the development of American literature. †¢WRITING oWrite in a variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasion. oProduce arguments in writing that demonstrate knowledgeable judgments and address counterclaims. oUse knowledge of genres, formats, purposes, audiences, and situations to produce clear and effective products that reflect use of all stages of a writing process. †¢RESEARCH oEngage in research that requires the selection, evaluation, use, and documentation of a variety of sources. oVerify the validity of all information and follow ethical and legal guidelines for using and gathering information. oPresent a research product that is clearly written and accurately documented according to Modern Language Association (MLA) standards. Page 3 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus. PART 3: TOPIC OUTLINE/SCHEDULE Important Note: Refer to the course calendar for specific meeting dates and times. Activity and assignment details will be explained in detail within each week’s corresponding learning module. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor. †¢Poetry and Short Stories oIntroduction/ Review of Literary Elements oVariety of short stories and poems by American authors †¢Drama oThe Crucible †¢Fiction oThe Great Gatsby †¢Non-Fiction oThe Autobiography of Ben Franklin oNarrative of Frederick Douglass oAutobiographical Notes essay by James Baldwin oLetter from a Birmingham Jail by M. L. King, Jr. oFrom Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau †¢Research oBackground information on F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby. †¢Writing oThesis-driven writing (claim, assertion, commentary) oJournals oPoetry oLiterary Analysis Page 4 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus PART 4: GRADING POLICIES Graded Course Activities Visit the Eng 11 Units button in your FCPS Online Campus course for instructions and information about assignments. Students will submit work through the Assignments button, through the Discussion Board button, or via email. Click on the Assessments button to access quizzes and exams. Submitted work is available for view through the student gradebook in FCPS 24/7. Procedures for Submitting Work You use the Assignment Button to submit assignments. Name the document correctly by using the file naming convention: lastname_assignmentname_date. doc. Please add a header at the top of the document containing your name, the date, and assignment title. If I receive a document without a name, it will be returned (and then you run the risk of turning in a late assignment). When you email me, please type your name in the subject line and sign your emails with your first and last names. Save (and backup) all of your submitted work. You are advised to keep copies of everything, including emails that show the date and time that you’ve submitted your assignments. Late work must be emailed to teacher with an explanation. Late Work Policy ALL WORK IS DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON THE DAY IT IS ASSIGNED. Work received between midnight and 8:00 am the next day will be accepted, but with a ten percent reduction in the grade earned. Work received between 8:00 am and 11:59 pm that same day will be accepted, but with a twenty percent reduction in the grade earned. After 11:59 pm on the day after the work was originally due, no late work will be accepted. Discussion boards are NOT accepted late. Viewing Grades in FCPS Online Campus Instructor will update the online grades each week—typically 2-3 days after each due date. Grade Reports will be emailed to parents, students and counselors every week. Grade Reports will reflect the student’s quality of work by the scores on the assignments but will also contain missing assignment if the student is behind schedule to finish the class. Page 5 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus. *during summer school this is expedited since a single summer day is 8 academic days The grade percentage chart will be used to convert to letter grade reporting (chart below). Final Mark Each quarter will count as 20% of the final grade. The final exam will count as 1/5 of the final grade. Letter Grade Percentage Definition A 93-100% Designates the status of a student who consistently demonstrates accurate and complete knowledge of content and skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS), and applies that knowledge to solve problems in a variety of settings A- 90-92% B+ 87-89% Designates the status of a student who demonstrates knowledge of content and skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS), with some improvement needed in accuracy and/or consistency in performance, applying that knowledge to solve problems in a variety of settings B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% Designates the status of a student who demonstrates knowledge of basic content and skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS), but requires additional practice and instructional experiences to acquire skills necessary to solve problems C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% Designates the status of a student who needs significant practice and instructional experiences to acquire the  knowledge of basic content and skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS) necessary to solve problems. As a final mark, it is not necessarily sufficient to meet the prerequisite requirements for the next level in a sequence of courses. D 64-66% F 0-63% Designates the status of a student who has not demonstrated the basic knowledge of content and/or skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS) and requires additional practice and instructional experiences in order to succeed. I * Designates the status of a student who has not been able to complete tasks that are major components of the quarter  grade for reasons considered appropriate by the teacher or team or by the principal or his or her designee. The student is required to make up work within a specified time period in order to convert this â€Å"incomplete† to a grade by the next quarterly progress report. *I (Incomplete) = May not be given as a permanent final grade. Page 6 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus Important note: For more information about grading, visit the grading and reporting policies at the FCPS website. Page 7 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus COURSE POLICIES Participation. Students are expected to participate in all online activities as listed on the course calendar. Consistent participation is required and submission of work is the evidence of that participation. Communicate If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective person. Make sure that you are proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the year so that we can help you find a solution. Complete Assignments. All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through FCPS 24/7 unless otherwise instructed. Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be requested from instructor. Extensions will not be given beyond the next assignment. Late or missing discussion assignments will affect the student’s grade. Understand When You will be Removed from This Course It is state law that a student will no miss 15 days of class. The instructor will notify parents and counselor at 5 and 10 days of no work submitted. At 15 days the student is removed from the course and returned to the counselor  for appropriate placement. Our goal is to get students to receive credit for graduation, and if online is not an appropriate environment, a return to face to face instruction is necessary. During summer school three days of non-activity will warrant dismissal from the course; your teacher will evaluate this after Sunday night. Inform Your Instructor of Any Accommodations Needed If you have a documented disability and IEP, and you wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. IEP and 504 accommodations must be submitted to the Online Campus before the class starts. The Online Campus can be contacted by phone at (703) 503-7781 (Voice) or via email at onlinecampus@fcps. edu . Commit to Ethical Conduct As a student in this course, you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and participation in this class Page 8 English 11 Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus and also integrity in your behavior in and out of the classroom. Page 9 English 11 Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schools— Online Campus FCPS Ethical Conduct for Users (SR&R regulation 2601) It is the responsibility of the student to: †¢Use only his or her account or password. It is a violation to give access to an account to any other user. †¢Recognize and honor the intellectual property of others; comply with legal restrictions regarding plagiarism and the use and citation of information resources. †¢Not read, modify, or remove files owned by other users. †¢Restrict the use of the FCPS network and resources to the mission or function of the school system. The use of the FCPS network for personal use or for private gain is prohibited. †¢Help maintain the integrity of the school information system. Deliberate tampering or experimentation is not allowed; this includes the use of FCPS network and resources to illicitly access, tamper with, or experiment with systems outside FCPS. The information systems and Internet access available through FCPS are available to support learning, enhance instruction, and support school business practices. †¢Refrain from using offensive, obscene, or harassing language when using FCPS network systems. †¢Abstain from accessing, changing, or deleting files belonging to others. Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be reported to the administration office. Page 10